5 items found in 1 pages
Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology overview
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 3: Should the brain be left to neuroscientists? (video)
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 3: Should the brain be left to neuroscientists? Since the 'decade of the brain' in the 1990s an increasing range of previously taboo subjects have been examined by neuroscientists. These include autobiographical memory, aesthetics, love and of course consciousness itself. The rise of imaging techniques which provide engaging pictures of brain activity have added to the appeal. Of course plenty of other discplines within the arts as well as science put the brain at the heart of their project. But how effectively has neuroscience integrated these other approaches into its work? And should the direction of brain research be left to scientists anyway? Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
Next generation X-ray vision: the advent of multi-contrast x-ray imaging techniques
The recent advent of phase and scattering X-ray imaging techniques promises a revolution in the field, with the potential to provide high-quality multi-contrast images for samples that are difficult to study with only conventional approaches. Edge-illumination in particular, developed here at UCL, goes even further in ensuring that even the smallest details can be seen, and empowers users with its extreme flexibility. This has applications in a wide range of fields, from clinical environments to the aerospace industry. In this lecture, we will introduce the principles behind phase and scattering X-ray imaging and show the strengths of the edge-illumination technique. By the end of our time, you will understand how a simple restructuring of the X-rays opens up a whole wealth of possibilities for scientists, clinicians, and a wide range of industries.
'Subpixel topography retrieval of Mars using single-image DTM estimation and super-resolution restoration' - Yu Tao (MSSL), and 'A fragment of the lunar mantle?' - Prof Hilary Downes (BBK), APEX Seminar 2022-03-17
This week's APEX talk features Yu Tao (MSSL) and Hilary Downes (BBK). The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Jan-Mar 2022), are held online on Thursdays from 1-2pm. The talks are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond.
Donald Miller Imaging Series 15.3.17
Donald Miller Imaging Series 15.3.17