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#MadeAtUCL Series 2 - Episode 5 - The Cost of Freedom
Presented and edited by two UCL (University College London) graduates, Cassidy and Cerys, hear about research #MadeAtUCL on the costs of freedom. In this episode we’re exploring the value of freedom, from the people who found it in the bleakest of circumstances to the ways in which we restrict our own freedom (and the freedom of others) without even realising it. Professor Virginia Mantouvalou shares her work on labour laws and explains how our legal system is creating situations that exploit vulnerable people. Dr Sarah J Young describes the experiences of Russian prisoners at Shlissel’burg and the memoirs she used to write her new book. And Dr Saheli Datta Burton tells us why we should be sceptical about our smart gadgets. Transcript and show notes on…2-ep5-cost-freedom
MadeAtUCL Podcast Episode 7: Levelling the playing field
For this final episode of Series 1, we’re looking at how UCL research is helping to level out various playing fields. We’ll hear how legal experts are helping people to get the support they are entitled to, share thoughts with London’s commuters on how advertising can be more representative. And, for our first story, we’re taking a look at the creation of new technologies which make our world more accessible. Join UCL alumna, Suzie McCarthy, as she explores these topics with UCL experts: - Dr Giulia Barbareschi -…sability-landscape - Prof Jessica Ringrose -…ion-uk-advertising - Rachel Knowles & the UCL Integrated Legal Advice Clinic (UCL iLAC) team…munities-legal-aid '#MadeAtUCL Disruptive Discoveries' talks to UCL researchers answering life's big questions; from green infrastructure to artificial intelligence, space exploration to treating cancer.