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4 items found in 1 pages
A Post-truth Take on Lying
by Professor Steve Fuller (University of Warwick) Are the moral proscriptions against lying overrated? Find more information at:
UCL IAS Lies: Defamation - A Roundtable on Lies and the Law
by Dr Alex Mills (UCL Laws), Prof Rachael Mulheron (Queen Mary Law), Robert Sharp (Head of Campaigns, English PEN), Dr Judith Townend (Sussex Law) As part of this year’s research theme on ‘Lies’, the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies hosted a panel discussion on the present and future of defamation law. How can the law best protect rights of speech and of privacy in a digital age? Has the Defamation Act of 2013 allowed for the publication of truths, opinions honestly held, or speech in the public interest? How has a new standard of harm respected the rights of the claimants and defendants in practice? The discussion was hosted by Harry Eccles-Williams, Associate at Mischon de Reya. Find more information at:
IAS Lies: Misinformed - A Roundtable on Social Media and the Shaping of Public Discourse
By David Benigson (CEO, Signal Media), Anastasia Denisova (Communication and Media Research Institute, University of Westminster), Lisa-Maria Neudert (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford), Gregory Whitfield (Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL) As part of its Lies research theme, the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies hosted a roundtable discussion on media and politics in the age of the viral post, troll farm and automated botnet. Find more information at:
Psychoanalysis in the Age of Post-Truth: Panel Discussion
by Lionel Bailly (Psychoanalysis Unit, UCL), Mairead Hanrahan (SELCS, UCL), David Morgan (Psychoanalyst and Organiser of The Political Mind), Mignon Nixon (History of Art, UCL), David Tuckett (Psychoanalysis Unit, UCL), and Rye Holmboe (History of Art, UCL) As part of the 2017-18 research theme on ‘Lies’, the IAS welcomed an interdisciplinary panel discussion about the role of psychoanalysis in the age of post-truth. Chairing Tamar Garb (Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL) Find more information at: