New Economic Thinking for a New Industrial Strategy Industrial strategy is back around the world; however, it risks reverting to old models focused on promoting specific sectors and technologies, guided by outdated economic assumptions that limit the role of the state.
This event marks the launch of Mission Critical, a new report authored by Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value at University College London and Founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, looking at the future of mission driven governance in the UK.This project, advanced by IIPP in partnership with The Future Governance Forum (FGF), builds on IIPP’s extensive work on mission-oriented innovation and industrial strategy over the past six years - notably, Professor Mazzucato’s internationally renowned 2021 book Mission Economy: a moonshot guide to changing capitalism and IIPP’s subsequent work to translate the theory of mission-oriented policy into practice with government partners around the world. It also draws from the deep, practical experience of the London Borough of Camden in translating a mission-oriented strategy into practice.
In his new book Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World, Brett Christophers (Professor of Human Geography at Uppsala University) peels back the veil on what he calls ‘asset manager society’ – a society in which the natural and built environment becomes one more vehicle of siphoning money from the many to the few. Asset managers, he shows, are unlike traditional owners of housing and other essential infrastructure. Buying and selling these life-supporting assets at a dizzying pace, the crux of their business model is not long-term investment and careful custodianship but making quick profits for themselves and the investors that back them. As the owners of more and more of the basic building blocks of everyday life, asset managers shape the lives of each and every one of us. In his talk, Brett Christophers will dive into how and why this came about, and what the consequences are.
Chair: Mariana Mazzucato | Director, IIPP
Discussant: Stefan Horn
Mariana Mazzucato | Professor in the Economics of Innovation & Public Value and Founding Director, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
Welcome & Framing of Digital Rents on Platforms
Tim O'Reilly | Founder, CEO, and Chairman of O’Reilly Media and Visiting Professor of Practice, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
[PAPER 1] – Algorithmic Attention Rents
Ilan Strauss | Senior Research Associate, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
[PAPER 2] – Advertising as Attention Rent & Market Power on Amazon
Rufus Rock | Research Assistant, UCL IIPP
[PAPER 3] – Big Data Evidence on Amazon's Ability to Allocate Clicks
Intro - UCL President & Provost Dr Michael Spence
Keynote speech - Professor Mariana Mazzucato
Video - global leaders offer their view on what the Entrepreneurial State means to them, including musician Brian Eno; Secretary of Science, Technology, Innovation and the Health Industrial Complex in the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Carlos Gadelha, Leader of Camden Council Georgia Gould; Mayor of Bogotá Claudia López; Minister of Housing and British Columbia Government House Leader Ravi Kahlon; UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah Mohd Sharif; Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Motley; Vice-President of the Government of Spain Teresa Ribeira; Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Tharman Shanmugaratnam.
Panel discussion: Alicia Bárcena, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean,
Shiva Dustdar, Director and Head of the EIB; Nicola Sturgeon, former First Minister of Scotland,
Rt Hon. Lord Willetts FRS, President Resolution Foundation
Power and Progress demonstrates that the path of technology was once – and can again be – brought under control. The tremendous computing advances of the last half century can become empowering and democratizing tools, but not if all major decisions remain in the hands of a few hubristic tech leaders striving to build a society that elevates their own power and prestige.
With their breakthrough economic theory and manifesto for a better society, Acemoglu and Johnson provide the understanding and the vision to reshape how we innovate and who really gains from technological advances so we can create real prosperity for all.
Simon Johnson, Ronald A. Kurtz Professor of Entrepreneurship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Julius Mugwagwa, Associate Professor in Innovation & Development, UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)
Cecilia Rikap, City University of London
Professor Rainer Kattel, Deputy Director UCL IIPP
The Entrepreneurial State by Mariana Mazzucato demonstrated that the state has the capacity to generate and promote innovation. The argument in the book is developed by scrutinising the economic and development history of the 20th century of the most successful economies around the globe, in which the role of the state has been central.
The talk is chaired by Dr Carolina Alves Associate Professor in Economics at UCL IIPP, in conversation with Dr Farwa Sial, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer - Development Finance, EURODAD, Dr Lucia Pradella, Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy, King's College London and Prof. Julio D. Dávila, UCL Professor of Urban Policy and International Development.
Simon Sharpe, Director of Economics for the UN Climate Champions, and a Senior Fellow at the World Resources Institute, presents his new book 'Five Times Faster: Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change' in conversation with IIPP Founding Director, Prof Mariana Mazzucato and UCL Professor of Climate Science, Chris Rapley.