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Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 15: Who enjoys shopping in IKEA?
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 15: Who enjoys shopping in IKEA? Professor Alan Penn will describe the way that architects use space to sell you things. He shows how space creates patterns of movement and this brings you in contact with goods. In IKEA though, the story gets more interesting, here the designers deliberately set out to confuse you and in this way draw you into buying things that were not on your shopping list. Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
The Grant museum Animal Movement Film –  The Gibbon
Tyra, a Batchelor of Arts and Sciences, explains the different types of movement used by the gibbon to help school students develop and build a robot whose movement is inspired by that of different animals. This resource supports the Bio-Robotics and Animal Movement project, part of UCL Culture’s Schools Engagement Programme in East London.