2 items found in 1 pages
Read-Right: UCL helps stroke victims learn to read again
UCL has launched an online tool to help people whose sight has been damaged by stroke to learn to read again. A medical and technological collaboration between the UCL Institute of Neurology and UCL's Multimedia team has developed 'Read Right', a therapeutic website designed to help people with Hemianopic Alexia (HA) to improve and test their reading ability from their own homes. Read-Right Therapy Website: https://www.readright.ucl.ac.uk
The Gift of Sight
Rhiannon Willis, 10, was born with a serious inflammatory eye disorder, followed by severe glaucoma. Now, after several eye operations, she can see in one eye. "It was magical moment. I will never forget this day," said her mother, Carol. This video helped us raise the funding for the new children’s hospital at Moorfields.