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We are pleased to announce that the Deafness Cognition and Language (DCAL) Research Centre
at University College London has an exciting opportunity for
three, one-week paid placements.
As a paid research intern,
you can learn first-hand what is involved in conducting research
in the areas of linguistics, psycholinguistics
and language development
in the context of deafness and sign language.
Alternatively, as a professional services intern,
you can see what goes on behind the scenes of a research centre
and work in our Professional Services team,
this may include but not limited to science communication,
event management
and community engagement.
You will gain valuable higher education experience in these areas.
The British Sign Language (BSL) Corpus is a publicly accessible, on-line record of BSL used by Deaf people in the UK. It’s a collection of video clips showing Deaf people using BSL, together with background information about the signers and written descriptions of the signing in ELAN. You can also explore BSL SignBank, a wonderful website with approximately 2500 BSL signs developed from the BSL Corpus. In other words, BSL signs directly from the deaf community!
The current pandemic has changed the ways in which we communicate and work, in many cases with more profound effects for deaf and hard of hearing people. Throughout the pandemic, members of DCAL developed a range of strategies and guidelines to adapt to these new challenges. These include:
• Remote working guidelines to ensure that deaf people could maximise their online participation in virtual meetings and events, and reduce visual demands and fatigue.
• COVID-19 BSL e-books for children, in collaboration with Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children. These e-books provide deaf children who use BSL with direct access to crucial information about coronavirus and its impact on everyday life.
• Information about the impact of face masks on communication. We wrote a statement explaining communication issues due to face coverings, where we highlight the main challenges and also explain some possible adaptations.
• How to caption videos. As part of our commitment to provide accessible info
Last year’s shift to fully online education due to Covid was a major achievement. All DCAL staff rose to this challenge and both Dr. Velia Cardin and Dr. Fiona Kyle were even nominated for the UCL Student Choice Awards. This year we are ‘flexing’ yet again with blended learning – some face to face teaching and some online.
We offer degree-level modules ‘Deafness, Cognition and Language’, ‘Sign Language Linguistics’, ‘Deaf Culture’ and modules on BSL (level 1 and level 2) and on interpreting. For postgraduate students, we also offer the MSc in Language Sciences with specialisation in Sign Language and Deaf Studies, which attracts students from around the world. We also offer an affiliate programme in Psychology and Language Sciences. This allows undergraduate students from overseas to study at UCL for one or two terms, with an option to specialise in Sign Language and Deaf Studies.
This year we have conducted studies on BSL grammar – including work on sign order, facial expressions and head movements. We have also focussed on sign language technology, including development of tools for automatic translation between BSL and English.
We finalised some work on language attitudes towards BSL in the deaf community. This included a new publication about regional variation. Many of us know that there is a lot of regional variation in BSL, with different regions of the U.K. having different signs for colours, places, numbers, etc. Less is known about how deaf people feel about regional variation, whether or not they viewed regional variation in a positive manner.
Happy Christmas from all of us at DCAL
We hope you enjoyed reading our highlights.
If you want to know any more about any of these topics, please do contact us.
Thank you for all of your support and interest in our work over 2021.
We look forward to working together in 2022!
UCL and DCAL started opening the doors for Covid-safe research in April 2021. This has been a slow process, but with many interesting projects now up and running. If you are interested in being involved in our future research please do sign up here.
We have summarised some highlights of our recent research below and you can find out about all of our ongoing projects here. We are working on creating short summaries of some of our specific research studies in BSL and English. Here is the first one.