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Intro to the Risk, Disaster and Resilience MSc
Have you ever wondered how 'natural' disasters really are? Programme leader Dr Dan Haines explains how studying on the Risk, Disaster and Resilience MSc at the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) will help you rethink your understanding of disasters and risk. Find out more about this MSc: Find out more a bout the IRDR:
Studying at DCAL Last year, degree level teaching was challenging with blended learning (some sessions online, some in person). This year we are mostly back face to face teaching which is a relief! We still offer degree-level modules ‘Deafness, Cognition and Language’, ‘Sign Language Linguistics’, ‘Deaf Culture’ and modules on interpreting and on BSL. For postgraduate students, we still offer the MSc in Language Sciences with specialisation in Sign Language and Deaf Studies, which attracts students from around the world. This year we are excited to have a new addition to our teaching portfolio – i.e. contributions (lectures and case studies about language and cognition in deaf people, delivered by Dr. Kate Rowley) on the newly established BSc in Audiology, run by the UCL Ear Institute. Find out more about the courses we offer on our website.
Last year’s shift to fully online education due to Covid was a major achievement. All DCAL staff rose to this challenge and both Dr. Velia Cardin and Dr. Fiona Kyle were even nominated for the UCL Student Choice Awards. This year we are ‘flexing’ yet again with blended learning – some face to face teaching and some online. We offer degree-level modules ‘Deafness, Cognition and Language’, ‘Sign Language Linguistics’, ‘Deaf Culture’ and modules on BSL (level 1 and level 2) and on interpreting. For postgraduate students, we also offer the MSc in Language Sciences with specialisation in Sign Language and Deaf Studies, which attracts students from around the world. We also offer an affiliate programme in Psychology and Language Sciences. This allows undergraduate students from overseas to study at UCL for one or two terms, with an option to specialise in Sign Language and Deaf Studies.
Professor Ruth Morgan introduces the MSc in Crime and Forensic Science
Prof Ruth Morgan is the programme convenor for the MSc Crime and Forensic Science. In this video she describes what makes her programme unique.
Studying Physics at UCL
Studying Physics at UCL Prof Phil Jones Undergraduate Admission Tutor UCL Physics & Astronomy
UCL Cancer Institute PhD Research Poster Competition 2018
PhD students present their work at the annual Institute research poster competition.
UCL Qatar Student Testimonial - Maria Arias
MA Museum and Gallery Practice graduate, Maria Arias, gives her thoughts on studying at UCL Qatar