A Students' Guide to UCL is an in person event designed and delivered by current students. This talk was delivered in September 2024 for Postgraduate students.
This video highlights how ‘Hostile Environment’ policies, insecure immigration status, NRPF and financial precarity affect mothers’ relationships and access to support.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the video.
Useful resources:
Doctors of the World, https://www.doctorsoftheworld.org.uk/
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), https://www.jcwi.org.uk/Pages/Category/ending-the-hostile-environment
Migrants Organise, https://www.migrantsorganise.org/our-campaigns/
Project 17, https://www.project17.org.uk/
Refugee Council, https://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/
Solace Women’s Aid, https://www.solacewomensaid.org/
Unity Project, https://www.unity-project.org.uk/
Further reading:
Benchekroun, R. (2023). How hostile immigration policies affect mothers and their access to support, https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/2023/04/21/how-hostile-immigration-policies-affect-mothers-and-their-access-to-support/
SSAHE, https://ssahe.info/
The Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering Sciences have joined efforts to continue the conversation around unacceptable behaviour in academia.
Working remotely does not prevent instances of bullying, harassment and misuse of power. Unacceptable behaviours that exploit differences in gender, ethnicity, ability, religion, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation can be driven online. We have evidence that unacceptable behaviours are not just anecdotal but recurrent in academia. We therefore remain committed to preventing and addressing them. Please be an active bystander, even while working remotely. Challenge unacceptable behaviours. Through collective ownership of this problem we can keep moving forward.
Visit the Report and Support tool at https://report-support.ucl.ac.uk/
For more information about coronavirus, what support is available for UCL’s students and what to do if you have experienced or witnessed any kind of abuse, please visit: www.ucl.ac.uk/coronavirus-support
The Warnock Report marked a pivotal change in the provision of education for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - encouraging these children's inclusion in mainstream classes, and introducing the system of 'statementing' that set out a child's needs and entitlement to additional support.
But much has changed in the intervening years - not least the increase in the number of children with SEND and the complexity of their needs, wider policies of parental choice and school accountability and, now, funding constraints on the availability of special school places and SEND support in mainstream classrooms. More recent years have also seen challenges to the bias towards inclusion.
In this context we have brought together reflections from Baroness Warnock herself and a range of perspectives to take stock of the Warnock Committee's recommendations - their underlying principles, their implementation, and their relevance for the future.
Some schools have made a name for themselves in performing 'against the odds', their pupils chalking up impressive achievements in national tests and exams. But still there remains a link between schools' circumstances and their performance, and some glaring geographical disparities.
Breaking that link has been a focal point for education policy and many high profile organisations in education over the past two decades. There are occasional signs of progress, but they have often been modest and faltering. How far can we get with school-based interventions, and are there any such interventions, existing or hypothetical, that we should pursue with greater vigour?
Come and debate sector leaders' views on which policies and interventions we should prioritise in order to cut through this problem once and for all, and what wider reforms would best help more schools in challenging circumstances.