32 items found in 4 pages
Waste Disposal Fire
A fire that broke out during a waste disposal procedure in a fumehood in the UCL Chemistry Department. Idiomatic language is heard.
Call with Raash and Christina 25.8.23
We discussed DP and NPQ application issues (e.g. missing DPs, check email sent to Raash on 24.8.23). Raash showed us DP schema.
UCL's ERN Basic Training
UCL Electronic Notebook Training Session with Rob Day An online training session for the new and exciting UCL Electronic Research Notebook. This optional session is for anyone (All current or potential users, and PIs) and will be hosted by Rob Day from RSpace. 'Basic User Training' topics covered: 1. Definition and purpose of main RSpace tabs. 2. Overview of RSpace Text Editor 3. Sharing 4. Exporting  For more information about the ERN: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/advanced-research-computing/platforms/research-data-services/ucl-electronic-research-notebook
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