The Future of the Factory: How Megatrends are Changing Industrialization

The Future of the Factory: How Megatrends are Changing Industrialization
For centuries, industrialization and factory-based production have been core ingredients in economic growth, development, and innovation. This symbiotic relationship between industrialization and economic prosperity is now changing. 'Megatrends' - trends within the domains of technology, economy, society, and ecology that have a global impact - are changing the ability of the manufacturing sector to serve as the engine of growth, changing traditional ideas of technological progress, and changing growth and development opportunities in both the global South and the global North. Four megatrends are particularly worthy of note: the rise of services, digital automation technologies, globalization of production, and ecological breakdown. In this book, Jostein Hauge provides a novel analysis of how these megatrends are changing industrialization, and charts new pathways for industrial policy and global governance.
Teresa Baker
IIPP, Institute for Innovation and Public Policy, Jostein Hauge, Lorenza Monaco, Pritish Behuria, Cecilia Rikap, Industrialisation