EAG@IOE: School-based Assessment. Policy and practice in external moderation -13 international cases

EAG@IOE: School-based Assessment. Policy and practice in external moderation -13 international cases
Speakers: Damian Murchan, Stuart Shaw & Evgenia Likhovtseva This study investigates why and how different jurisdictions conceptualise and operationalise external moderation of School Based Assessment (SBA). A range of concerns about high-stakes examinations at upper secondary level have prompted some systems to incorporate SBA into their system of qualifications. While potentially addressing issues of validity and student stress, SBA raises reliability concerns that can also compromise trust in the qualifications. External moderation is frequently used to allay such concerns.The aim of the study is to identify illustrations of moderation in selected secondary school exit examinations and understand the local contexts that have contributed to the development of such systems. A two-phase sequential survey design was used to explore the variables of interest across 13 jurisdictions.
Mary Richardson
School-based Assessment, moderation, EAGIOE, Schools - International Comparison