DERC Webinar: New research on Global Education & Learning

DERC Webinar: New research on Global Education & Learning
This DERC webinar brings together students of DERC's MA Global Learning to present dissertation projects that they are conducting as part of their studies. Come along to hear bitesize summaries of new research on global education and learning, and a chance to put questions to the presenters. SPEAKERS Tiffany Cavanagh: "Exploring educator's voices in relation to Global Learning in Zambia" Molly Fox: "Teacher emotions when teaching colonisation, a New Zealand study." Jessica Bailey: "Prophetic Schools: to what extent do faith schools provide good conditions for global learning?" BACKGROUND The MA in Global Learning is a distance learning programme which introduces students to a range of perspectives and approaches to global learning, global citizenship education and education for sustainable development. The programme is coordinated and run by staff from the Development Education Research Centre.
Kester Muller
GLOBAL EDUCATION, DERC_Videos, Global Learning, Global Citizenship