DERC Seminar: Education for Social Change

DERC Seminar: Education for Social Change
In this seminar, the Development Education Research Centre's Director Professor Douglas Bourn will discuss themes from his forthcoming book which outlines a distinctive pedagogical approach for education for social change. Reference will be made to historical debates regarding education for democracy, socialism and liberation. The main focus of the talk will however be on an approach to learning that brings in themes of social justice, transformation and impact of globalisation. Examples in the talk will be given from formal and higher education and youth work. >>> Speaker biography Douglas Bourn is Professor of Development Education at UCL Institute of Education and Co-Director of the Development Education Research Centre. He is the author of Theory and Practice of Development Education (2014) and Understanding Global Skills (2018) and editor of the Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning (2020).
Kester Muller
GLOBAL EDUCATION, social justice, Democracy, socialism, DERC_Videos