Designing clean and efficient sustainable future fuels | Spring Into STEM
Designing clean and efficient sustainable future fuels | Spring Into STEM
At UCL, we understand how science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are fundamental to the way we live our lives and shape so many of the things that we see and do every day.
Dr Paul Hellier asks where future renewable fuels will be sourced from, and what will they look like? Can fuels from waste coffee or genetically engineered micro-algae replace fossil fuels in difficult-to-decarbonise transport sectors and help provide cleaner air? Find out how design of fuels at the molecular level is helping to answer these questions and more.
#SpringIntoSTEM #UCLEngineering #MechanicalEngineering #RenewableFuels #Sustainability
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Garance Mourgaud | |
36 | |
8/2/2021 | |
00:58:04 | |
Mechanical Engineering, renewable energies, Fuel, sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable Energy | |
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