How do we design Cities to prevent another Pandemic? | Disruptive Thinkers

How do we design Cities to prevent another Pandemic? | Disruptive Thinkers
How can we design cities to prevent another pandemic? How do we engineer a city, its architecture and its infrastructure so that it works socially in an era of physical distancing In the third of our Disruptive Thinkers video series, we focus on the ground breaking work from UCL PEARL (Person – Environment – Activity Research Laboratory) on designing a pandemic proof city. Prof. Nick Tyler, Dr. Liora Malki-Epshtein, Prof. Thorsten Stoesser, and Dr Taku Fujiyama (UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering) talk about how we maintain social interactions in a physically distanced city, and how we can design better public transport to minimise virus transmission. Every month we’ll be releasing a new video showing some of the disruptive thinking happening across our faculty, from designing more inclusive and pandemic-proof cities, to exploring how business can be more sustainable, right through to how fibre optics are innovating medical procedures.
Garance Mourgaud
cities, pandemic, Covid-19, covid, Civil Environmental and Geomatic Engineering