Teaching Bayesian statistics and accessibility in education

Teaching Bayesian statistics and accessibility in education
In this interview from the Department of Statistical Science at UCL, we speak with Dr Mine Dogucu who is a Lecturer in the department of Statistical Science at UCL. Dr Dogucu shares with us her experiences of teaching both frequentist and Bayesian statistics to undergraduates. She also explains what accessibility means in education and in the context of statistics, including being part of changing knitr and R Markdown to improve accessibility with image alternative text. Bayes Rules! book: https://www.bayesrulesbook.com/ New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text: https://www.rstudio.com/blog/knitr-fig-alt/ Teach Access: https://teachaccess.org/ BrailleR: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/BrailleR/ Writing Alt Text for Data Visualization, Amy Cesal: https://medium.com/nightingale/writing-alt-text-for-data-visualization-2a218ef43f81 gradetools R package: https://federicazoe.github.io/gradetools/ Papers: Framework for Accessible and Inclusive Te
Nathan Green
UCL Statistical Science, Sample Space