UCL Uncovering Politics: The Parliamentary Battle over Brexit

UCL Uncovering Politics: The Parliamentary Battle over Brexit
EPISODE SUMMARY This week we ask: What does the process of Brexit tell us about the role of the UK’s parliament and whether it needs reform? EPISODE NOTES The last seven years in British politics have been tempestuous. The turmoil has had multiple causes: Covid, Putin’s attack on Ukraine, and Trussonomics among them. But the politics of much of the period has been dominated by Brexit: by a referendum on an ever so simple question, followed by years of wrangling over what the question meant and how the answer that voters gave to it should be interpreted and implemented. Much of that contest took place in parliament. Meaningful voters, indicative votes, the Brady amendment, the Malthouse compromise, the Cooper–Letwin Bill and the legality or otherwise of prorogation – all became the stuff of prime-time television. So what should we make of that period? And what can we learn from it – about how parliament and our constitution work, and about how they should work? Well a new book recent
Rosa Holt
politics, Podcast, Brexit