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3 items found in 1 pages
Towards a pedagogy for difficult histories: Insights from Holocaust education
This online event reflects upon teaching 'difficult histories' through the lens of Holocaust education. Andy Pearce is an Associate Professor in Holocaust & History Education at the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education. The session is hosted by Helen Knowler, academic lead for UCL's Eugenics Legacy Education Project (ELEP).
Discovery at UCL - the Galton Collection
This powerful video shows our students reacting to objects in UCL's Galton collection that are linked to eugenics. Eugenics – the racist pseudo science of 'improving' human populations through selective breeding – had its roots at UCL. Please note, this video is published with permission by UCL's Eugenics Legacy Education Project (ELEP), but we are not the creators of the content.
Integrating teaching on ‘sensitive’ topics into your lessons: a framework
Jayne Kavanagh draws on her ten years’ experience of facilitating UCL medical student sessions on so called ‘sensitive’ topics – abortion, FGM and domestic abuse – to open up discussion on integrating teaching on ‘sensitive’ topics into the curriculum.