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Charlene Murphy X
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Skylark: Britain's First Space Rocket
Space Domain One O'clock Space Webinar given on June 25th by Robin H. Brand.
SMILE: A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
The SMILE mission: A novel way to explore solar-terrestrial interactions G. Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL/UCL, UK), C. Wang (NSSC/CAS, China) and the SMILE collaboration The coupling between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere-ionosphere system, and the geospace dynamics that result, comprise some of the key questions in space plasma physics. In situ measurements by a fleet of solar wind and magnetospheric missions, current and planned, can provide the most detailed observations of the Sun-Earth connections. However, we are still unable to quantify the global effects of the drivers of such connections, and to monitor their evolution with time. This information is the key missing link for developing a comprehensive understanding of how the Sun gives rise to and controls the Earth's plasma environment and space weather. SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) is a novel self-standing mission dedicated to observing the solar wind - magnetosphere coupling via simul
A machine learning tool for characterising the evolution of nearby galaxies
"A machine learning tool for characterising the evolution of nearby galaxies", Choong Ling, UCL PhD student. Whilst we have some idea about how galaxies evolve, quantifications of their evolutions, particularly in the nearby universe, are still being determined. With the next generation of telescopes, terabytes of data are being collected each night to help answer this question. In order to examine all of these data, we need fast algorithms to determine the values of age and metallicity of galaxies, which parameterise the evolution of galaxies. I will present my work on creating a machine learning method of analysing large volumes of data efficiently to investigate the evolution history of galaxies. I will show neural networks, which are a type of machine learning, are able to reproduce the properties of galaxies accurately from lower resolution data.
Prof Alan Smith ESA_Lab MoA Signing 2019
Prof Alan Smith signing MoA between UCL and ESA making UCL an official ESA_Lab in September 2019.
UCL ESA_LAB Signing Newport September 2019
Prof and Director of the UCL Space Domain giving the address at the UCL ESA_LAB Signing Newport September 2019.
Introductory Remarks UCL Heritage Imaging Workshop November 6, 2019
Introductory Remarks for the UCL Heritage Imaging Workshop November 6, 2019 given by Prof May Cassar.