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Pilar Garcia Souto X
19 items found in 3 pages
UCL IPAC system - promotional video
Promotional video of the UCL IPAC system. It briefly talks about the IPAC methodology and the benefits of the UCL IPAC system.
IPAC system - summary of the full process
This video presents the summary of the different steps when using the IPAC system. More information about each step is given in other videos. However this video presents a short overview.
IPAC system - 3 min demo
Quick demo of the full IPAC system (LTI and software) from a tutor perspective.
IPAC software - Training Video 4 - Automatic Personalized Tutor Feedback
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows how the IPAC software can be used to create personalized tutor feedback related to the individual's IPAC scores for each student in the class in an automatic way. There is a very small up-front time investment needed, but once it is set up, tutors can use this to give personalized tutor feedback to large classes in seconds, year after year.
IPAC software - Training Video 3 - Output Files Explained
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows the files created by the IPAC software when processing the raw data, and how the information is organized in them. It also explains how the files can be checked by the tutor quickly, by prioritizing scanning and selecting the relevant cases that might need tutor interaction.
IPAC software - Training Video 2 - Settings page
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows how more in detail the settings page, with the different options available to tutors for the calculation of the IPAC scores and construction of feedback for students.
IPAC Software - Training Video 1 - Overview and quick run
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video gives an overview of the IPAC software, the functionality that it has and how to quickly process a file with raw data in order to obtain the IPAC scores and feedback for the students.
IPAC LTI - Training video 7 - Student view
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows how the students view and complete the IPAC questionnaire and a how they see afterwards their IPAC scores and feedback both in the LTI and also the VLE course (e.g. in the Moodle gradebook).
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