18 items found in 3 pages
Intro to Digital Storytelling and Education module
Intro to Digital Storytelling and Education module for MA Digital Media (Education) Induction
MA Creativity module: abstract animation
MA Creativity module: abstract animation based on Shaun Tan's work
CLIPS Research movie 2018-2022
Children's Life Histories in Primary School (CLIPS) research movie 2018 - 2023. Led by Prof. Eleanore Hargreaves, Dr. Denise Buchanan and Dr. Laura Quick.
Covid Gone (Louis - Play Observatory)
Covid gone (Play Observatory PL56C1/S001/v1 © Louis and Jonathan Davis - reproduced with permission) is a short film that was contributed to The Play Observatory - an ESRC funded-project exploring children's play during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. The film was made by a son and father: Louis & Jonathan Davis. The Play Observatory was a research partnership between by UCL Institute of Education, The University of Sheffield School of Education and CASA.
Elena MA Digital Media - Education Film for students
Elena MA Media - Education Film for students
AI programming by children and a case study using AI in a medical training game
AI programming by children As part of the eCraft2Learn project Dr Ken Kahn has enhanced the Snap! programming language with blocks for speech input and output, image recognition, machine learning, and word embeddings. A live demonstration will be shown. AI programming is entering the modern classroom, and children could become more reflective about their own thinking. Recent advances in AI make it feasible to provide intelligent support in educational games without the need for handcrafting models of the domain and learners. Dr Niall Winters explores the use of these techniques for the LIFE (Life-saving Instructions For Emergencies) mobile game aimed at nurses and associated healthcare workers across the Global South.
A Brief History of Ed-Tech 1989 - 2049
Professor Neil Selwyn casts a critical eye on the rhetorical claims made in the name of the progress and efficiency that technologies are said to deliver in educational settings. This talk considers some of the key debates in the field such as: Does technology make learning fairer? Can technology address the many educational problems and inequalities faced by people around the world? What does the future hold for technology and education? What can be learned from the history of technology use?
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