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Georgina Brewis X
18 items found in 3 pages
Generation UCL: Jamie Gardiner
Jamie Gardiner, PhD student in Applied Mathematics, discusses setting up GaySoc in the early 1970s. Excerpt from an interviewed for the Generation UCL project by Sam Blaxland in 2022. Duration: 1 minute, 7 seconds
Generation UCL: Jim Onyemenam
Jim Onyemenam, Laws student, late 2010s, describes why he became a Students’ Union Sabbatical officer and what the role involved. Interviewed for the Generation UCL project by Sam Blaxland in 2022. Duration: 1 minute, 28 seconds
Generation UCL: Lyn Stone
Lyn Stone, Linguistics student in the early 1990s, remembers the dance music scene in London. Interviewed for the Generation UCL project by Sam Blaxland in 2022. Duration: 46 seconds
Generation UCL: Peter Mitchell
Peter Mitchell, Chemistry student, mid-1960s to early 1970s, discusses his dual identity as both a UCL and University of London student. Excerpt from an interview for the Generation UCL project conducted by Sam Blaxland in 2022. Duration: 1 minute.
Generation UCL: Toni Griffiths
Toni Griffiths, UCL English student from the mid-1960s, describes her duties as Woman Vice President of the Students’ Union in that period. Excerpt taken from an oral history interview for the Generation UCL project, conducted by Sam Blaxland in 2023. Duration: 1 minute, 5 seconds.
Generation UCL: Alwyn Davies
Alwyn Davies, Chemistry student from the 1940s, discusses the impact of the Second World War on students at UCL. Excerpt taken from an oral history interview for the Generation UCL project, conducted by Sam Blaxland in 2023. Duration: 1 minute, 19 seconds
Generation UCL: M. T. Z. Tyau (Diao Minqian)
M. T. Z. Tyau (Diao Minqian 刁敏謙), Law student, describes arriving in London as an international student from China in 1909. This extract is from Tyau’s account of his London years. M. T. Z. Tyau, London through Chinese Eyes (London: Swarthmore Press, 1920). Voiced by Yitao Qian. Duration: 1 minute, 20 seconds
Generation UCL: Mary Adamson
Mary A. Adamson describes the segregation of men and women on the campus in the 1880s. This extract comes from a written testimony Adamson submitted in response to a request during UCL’s centenary commemorations. Mary A. Adamson, ‘University College and Women Science Students, 1884-1886’, 1926, College Archive, UCL Special Collections. Voiced by Morgan Cambs. Duration: 1 minute, 33 seconds
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