19 items found in 3 pages
Teaching Literacies in Diverse Contexts - new version
The authors of Teaching Literacies in Diverse Contexts (UCL Press) come together to discuss their work on literacy education. Literacy education can take place in many locations and periods across the lifespan. Literacy educators require flexibility and a deep toolbox to meet their students’ diverse needs, regardless of whether they work in traditional school and college settings or in other environments with varied populations. In this ILC seminar, the authors will discuss how practical experiences can be used in creative ways to support educator development for teaching literacy in a global context. The authors will consider how this can be done in a sensitive and culturally relevant manner by parents, volunteers and teachers with varying degrees of experience in both formal and informal spaces.
A Voice for Maria Favela: An Adventure in Creative Literacy
Join this event to hear Alexis Gibbs and Diana Sousa present and discuss the book 'A Voice for Maria Favela: An Adventure in Creative Literacy'. The book describes how the Brazilian educator Antonio Leal experiences teaching so-called “unteachable” children in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. It encompasses issues of literacy education, creativity, liberatory pedagogy, special educational needs and language-learning.
HEROES: A reading intervention for children with IEPs
HEROES is a literacy intervention for 6-9 year olds who have IEPs for beginning reading and was funded by a grant for the US Department of Education’s Education and Innovation and Research Programme. In this webinar, Jerome will discuss how external evaluation of this intervention found that children with reading disabilities made significant progress, and effective intervention for children with reading disabilities will be discussed from both a research and practice perspective.
The Long Term Effects of Reading Recovery
In this RRE Seminar Professor Jane Hurry (UCL IOE) will present findings from ‘Reading intervention at age 6: Long term effects of Reading Recovery in the UK on qualifications and support at age 16’ (Hurry, Fridkin and Holliman, 2022). Amanda McGarrigle (Headteacher of St Marys CE Primary School in Swanley) will share her experience about implanting and supporting literacy intervention in her school. The seminar concludes with discussion from Jean Gross CBE, education expert and author of ‘Reaching the Unseen Children’ on what needs to be done to support children with literacy difficulties. Dr Sue Bodman will chair this session.
Disrupting the ‘boys don’t read’ discourse: primary school boys who love fiction - new version
Dr Laura Scholes (Australian Catholic University), Dr Nerida Spina (Queensland University of Technology), and Professor Barbara Comber (University of South Australia) will share their research titled ‘Disrupting the ‘boys don’t read’ discourse’: Primary school boys who love reading fiction’. Their research disrupts dominant discourses around boys reading and reports on a study examining boys reading interests and preferences. International literacy Centre Director Professor Gemma Moss will act as discussant.
Research to practice in literacy teaching and learning - new version
Authors and editors of a forthcoming 'Journal of Research in Reading' special issue will present their findings and reflections on this topic. The speakers will be sharing research on topics spanning from peer assisted learning to phonics with parents. Speakers include: · Megan Dixon (Director of Research, Holy Family Multi-Academy Trust) · Dr. Julian Grenier (Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre) · Dr. Rachael Hulme (UCL) · Dr. Sarah McGeown (The University of Edinburgh) · Dr. Jessie Ricketts (Royal Holloway, University of London) · Dr. Jo Taylor (UCL) · Dr Emma Vardy (Nottingham Trent University).
The right book - making choices for teaching​
In this seminar, Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin, authors of Which Book and Why, are joined by Chris Ratcliffe, Head of Education and UK Export, Scholastic, and Bex Shore, Reading Recovery Teacher Leader to discuss book choice and to consider what elements in text support instruction and how these influence practice. Issues addressed will include: - How do we match the text to the reader? - What do we need to consider? - How is choice of book influenced, in addition to what level or band, by the purpose of instruction - 'what does this child need to know next and how do I teach for that?'
Text Complexity and Beginning Reading: Supporting Young Readers
Professor Heidi Anne Mesmer presents her research on texts for beginning readers and the kinds of skills student will need to read complex texts. Angela Healy shares her experience and the child's journey through text in the Reading Recovery programme.
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