How is engineering helping to enhance food security?
In the latest of our Disruptive Thinkers video series, Prof Izzat Darwazeh (UCL Institute of Communications and Connected Systems) and Dr Temitope Odedeyi (UCL Electronic and Electrical Engineering) talk about how they use techniques developed to test mobile phone signals to analyse the starch content in cassava, empowering small and medium scale farmers in the Global South and beyond and helping to ensure food security for millions of people?
Every month we’ll be releasing a new video showing some of the disruptive thinking happening across our faculty, from designing more inclusive and pandemic-proof cities, to exploring how business can be more sustainable, right through to making self driving cars safer.
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How can we use fibre optics to innovate in surgical procedures ?
In the latest of our Disruptive Thinkers video series, we profile the work of Dr Richard Colchester (UCL Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) and Prof. Laurence Lovat (UCL Dept of Targeted Intervention) who are working to create affordable imaging devices for minimally invasive surgical procedures.
Every month we’ll be releasing a new video showing some of the disruptive thinking happening across our faculty, from designing more inclusive and pandemic-proof cities, to exploring how business can be more sustainable, right through to making self driving cars safer.