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Peter Martin X
3 items found in 1 pages
Communicating statistics: overcoming the trouble with p-values and confidence intervals
Seminar of the UCL Network of Applied Statistician in Health (NASH) on 21 May 2024. This was a double bill with Hilary Watt (Senior Teaching Fellow and Stats Teaching Expert at Imperial College) and Peter Martin (Associate Professor in Biostatistics, UCL). The presentations offer conceptual explanations of p-values and confidence intervals that steer away from common poor standards of applied statistical interpretations. If it's your job to teach students hypothesis tests and/or to explain to your collaborators why p<0.05 does NOT mean "Hurray, we found an effect", this seminar is for you! (Presentation slides are available as attachments.)
Educating the future statisticians: bringing our teaching up to date
Seminar by Prof Andrew Gelman (University of Columbia) at UCL on 13 June 2023. Andrew Gelman opened his famous bag of teaching tricks and considered new directions for statistics education. This recording includes Prof Gelman's talk and the subsequent Q&A session.
Ruth King: The Joy of Missing Out. NASH Masterclass 16 May 2023
In this masterclass, Prof Ruth King (University of Edinburgh) discusses the issue of making proactive decisions within an academic career. Academics, and statisticians in particular, frequently receive requests to contribute their energy and time to various projects and tasks. It is impossible to say yes to all such requests. But how to decide when to say yes, and how to say no wisely and gracefully?