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4 items found in 1 pages
Blendshapes in Maya for face expressions - John Twycross
In this third of a series on making character models we outline the concepts required for working with blendshape deformations in Autodesk Maya.
Rigging a Maya HIK Character in 7 mins - John twycross
This video describes the principles of rigging a character for animation using the HIK system in Maya. It is the second of a series of three videos providing a commentary on the principles of character modelling for animation.
Creating a Maya Character in 17 mins - John twycross
This video provides a commentary describing the principles of creating a character in Maya. It is the first of a series of three videos. It is followed by videos discussing the concepts of rigging a 3D character for animation and working with face expressions using blend shapes.
CEATEC 2017 Japan - 3D Holograms by Kino-Mo
Kino-Mo's Hypervsn - Holographic and 3D Projection technologies at CEATEC 2017. The Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies (commonly known as CEATEC) is the largest annual IT and electronics trade show in Japan. It is held in early October at the Makuhari Messe convention center just outside of central Tokyo. Virtually every major Japanese electronics maker has a presence at the show, which serves as a platform to introduce cutting-edge achievements in information and electronic technologies.