4 items found in 1 pages
Bioengineering of Vaccines | Spring into STEM
Dr Steffi Frank works on the design and industrial application of enzyme localisation technologies with the aim to synthesise bio-therapeutic proteins and small molecule drugs. Her teaching is in the areas of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology.
Cellular Agriculture Part 1 - The Future Of Food | Spring Into STEM
How can we use cells to grow food in a sustainable and ethical way? Petra and Mike will introduce you to the novel field of Cellular Agriculture and how sustainable and ethical foods can be produced without using animals. Examples of such foods include milk, cheese and even meat. You will learn about the challenges and the opportunities in this exciting area, while learning about what we teach and research at UCL Biochemical Engineering. Petra was a Lecturer in Biological Engineering at Aston University, Birmingham, UK, before joining UCL. Petra holds a BEng in Biochemical Engineering from Babes-Bolyai University, Romania and a PhD in Regenerative Medicine from Loughborough University, UK as part of the EPSRC DTC in Regenerative Medicine.
Biocatalysis - Engineering a Sustainable Future | Spring Into STEM
Enzymes are responsible for the wealth and diversity of natural products we utilise today, from fine chemicals such as drugs to materials for clothing or building. They are also involved in decomposing and recycling these materials, through the degradative pathways of animals and microorganisms. Can we harness the power of enzymes to create new and more powerful medicines, clean up and recycle our waste and put our industrial production on a more sustainable footing? We're very pleased to announce that Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UCL Biochemical Engineering Dr Jack Jeffries will be taking on the role of Lecturer in Biocatalysis and Biocatalyst Engineering this spring. His new role as Lecturer in Biocatalysis and Biocatalyst Engineering will include Delivering the 1st year undergraduate core module Biochemistry and Molecular biology and leading the development of biocatalysis and sustainable bioprocess research at the MFL.
Synthetic Biology And The Circular Economy | Spring Into STEM
Professor John Ward and Dr Brenda Parker discuss how you can design biology to create a circular economy, reusing resources such as plastics and generating materials from algae, plus answer questions.    #SpringIntoSTEM #UCLEngineering #BiochemicalEngineering #SyntheticBiology #CircularEconomy  