5 items found in 1 pages
Nurturing an inclusive and supportive research culture and environment in the Japanese and UK Context.
This webinar invited expert speakers to consider 'What works?' in developing and sustaining supportive and inclusive research cultures. Lead researchers Lynn Ang and Kazuko Suematsu from University College London Institute of Education (IOE) and Tohoku University also presented initial findings from the joint project ‘Delivering research excellence within an inclusive, diverse and equitable research culture’.
Roundtable Discussions-Decolonisation in Higher Education Policy
This event builds on the 'Cultures of Decolonisation at UCL' report to discuss decolonisation and EDI as well as higher education policy.
VIRTUAL COSS talk: "Space Cannot Be the Place": a Black Nihilist Critique
Florence Okoye presents a Black nihilist critique of the 100 Year Spaceship Project and materialising the spectacular.
UCL GOS ICH Black History Month 2021: What would you tell your younger self?
Is being told that you have to be “twice as good to get half as far” a useful driver for success, or does it negatively impact on self-care? Join our panel as they talk through advice they were given, or would give: Panel members - Tania Zulu Holt is global co-leader of McKinsey’s Public & Social Sector Practice and a senior partner. - Dr Rochelle Rowe is a Lecturer in Black British History at Edinburgh University. - Dr Michael Sulu, is a Lecturer in the Department of Biochemical Engineering and Co-Chair of the UCL Race Equality Steering Group. - Oyin Solebo is the cofounder and COO of Movemeback – a members’ community of top global talent, leaders and influencers, interested in Africa.
Bullying and Harassment: Taking Collective Responsibility
The Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering Sciences have joined efforts to continue the conversation around unacceptable behaviour in academia. Working remotely does not prevent instances of bullying, harassment and misuse of power. Unacceptable behaviours that exploit differences in gender, ethnicity, ability, religion, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation can be driven online. We have evidence that unacceptable behaviours are not just anecdotal but recurrent in academia. We therefore remain committed to preventing and addressing them. Please be an active bystander, even while working remotely. Challenge unacceptable behaviours. Through collective ownership of this problem we can keep moving forward. Visit the Report and Support tool at https://report-support.ucl.ac.uk/