UCL GOS ICH Black History Month 2021: What would you tell your younger self?

UCL GOS ICH Black History Month 2021: What would you tell your younger self?
Is being told that you have to be “twice as good to get half as far” a useful driver for success, or does it negatively impact on self-care? Join our panel as they talk through advice they were given, or would give: Panel members - Tania Zulu Holt is global co-leader of McKinsey’s Public & Social Sector Practice and a senior partner. - Dr Rochelle Rowe is a Lecturer in Black British History at Edinburgh University. - Dr Michael Sulu, is a Lecturer in the Department of Biochemical Engineering and Co-Chair of the UCL Race Equality Steering Group. - Oyin Solebo is the cofounder and COO of Movemeback – a members’ community of top global talent, leaders and influencers, interested in Africa.
Lola Solebo
BHM, EDI, Black academics, ICH, Race Equality, Well-being, personal development