The seminar features research presentations including:
1) Reconstructing school readiness from Chinese young children's perspectives, Dr Minyi Li, Associate Professor in Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University
2) Listening to Young Children in daily practices: Chinese Practitioners’ Reflections on a Knowledge-exchange Programme, Dr Yuwei Xu, Assistant Professor in Education and Teacher Development, University of Nottingham & Honorary Lecturer, UCL IOE.
3) Cultural exchange between preschools of disadvantaged backgrounds in England and China: Researchers’ reflections, Dr Jie Gao, Senior Research Fellow & Lecturer, UCL IOE
Panel discussion
Chair: Dr Rachael Levy, Associate Professor in Education, Director of CTEY, UCL IOE
Panellists: Dr Minyi Li, Dr Jie Gao, Dr Yuwei Xu and Ms Weicheng Guo, Research Assistant, MA Early Years Education student, UCL IOE;
Ms Siyu Qin, Research Assistant, MA Early Years Education student, Beijing Normal University
This workshop series is funded by the UCL Global Engagement Funds and hosted by UCL-IOE Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education and Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University.
The third workshop is entitled “Drama, Arts and Play in Early Childhood Education”.
The invited speakers are:
Dr Louisa Penfold, Lecturer and Research Fellow in Visal Arts and Early Childhood, Harvard University, US
Professor Jinmei Zhang, Director for Centre for Drama Education, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, China
Shouhong Chen, Former Head of BoAi Kindergarten, Zhuhai, China
Dr Yuwei Xu, Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham & Honorary Lecturer, UCL
The invited speakers will introduce how drama- and arts-based activities in early childhood education support children's participation and child-centred pedagogy.
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This workshop introduces how gender matters in early childhood education and how children actively participate in producing gender(ed) norms.
The invited speakers are:
Dr Vina Adriany, Head, Centre for Gender and Childhood Studies, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Dr Yuwei Xu, Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham & Honorary Lecturer, UCL
Dr Yuwei Xu, Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham & Honorary Lecturer, UCL
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本系列知识交流研讨会旨在通过促进中国学前教育工作者与国际研究学者的深入交流以支持中国学前教育工作者赋能儿童,落实可持续发展教育。研讨会共6次,获得英国伦敦大学学院“全球影响力基金”(UCL GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT FUND)支持,由北京师范大学教育学部儿童发展与家庭教育研究院与英国伦敦大学学院教育研究所(UCL-IOE)教师及早期教育研究实践中心联合主办。
Professor Alison Clark 挪威东南大学教授,英国伦敦大学学院教育学院高级荣誉研究员,马赛克方法创始人。北师大教育学部与IOE合作项目“从儿童的视角重构入学准备”项目的咨询专家。
This workshop series is funded by the UCL Global Engagement Funds and hosted by UCL-IOE Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education and Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University.
The speakers are:
Professor Alison Clark University of South-eastern Norway; Senior Honorary Research Fellow; UCL Institute of Education
Ms. Weining Yang Director of Primary School Chinese Teaching and Research Section, Xicheng District Education and Training College, Beijing
Ms. Wenyue Ding, Teaching researcher of Preschool Teaching and Research Office, Xicheng District Education and Training College, Beijing
Chair: Dr Jie Gao, research fellow ad lecturer at UCL Institute of Education
The speakers will introduce the Mosaic approach, share its application in ECE pedagogy and discuss the implications of listening to children in transition from preschool to primary school education.
In this research seminar, we invite international scholars from the global north and south to discuss possibilities for resisting, refusing, and contesting neoliberalism in post-pandemic contexts of ECE. The following questions will be discussed:
1. How does neoliberalism manifest and shape ECE in different contexts across the globe?
2. What are the challenges that ECE faces under the regime of neoliberalism in various societies?
3. What opportunities are possible in a post COVID-19 era to contest neoliberalism for social justice and equity in global ECE?
Dr Vina Adriany, Head, Centre for Gender and Childhood Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Professor Michael A. Peters, Distinguished Professor, Beijing Normal University
Dr Guy Roberts-Holmes, Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education, UCL Institute of Education
Chair: Dr Yuwei Xu, Research Fellow, Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education, UCL Institute of Education