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7 items found in 1 pages
IPAC LTI - Training video 7 - Student view
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows how the students view and complete the IPAC questionnaire and a how they see afterwards their IPAC scores and feedback both in the LTI and also the VLE course (e.g. in the Moodle gradebook).
IPAC LTI - Training video 5 - Warnings before releasing questionnaire
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video gives some warnings and last checks to do before before releasing the IPAC questionnaire to the students and what to do if we have made a mistake.
IPAC LTI - Training video 6 - Handle results
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows how the data is collected and handled on the IPAC LTI, this includes: (1) View students’ answers (2) Interaction with IPAC software, which includes uploading the IPAC scores and feedback for the students onto the system; (3) Release results to students via the LTI either in the LTI itself, the VLE (e.g. gradebook in Moodle) or both.
IPAC LTI - Training video 4 - Setting up part 4 (alternative to automatic group synchronization)
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows the manual alternative to the synchronization of the students groups from the VLE course onto the IPAC LTI. This option is only required if the automatic synchronization with the VLE student groups is not enabled by your institution.
IPAC LTI - Training video 3 - Setting up part 3
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows the third part of setting up the LTI, i.e. how to synchronize the list of students and groups from your VLE course onto the LTI.
IPAC LTI - Training video 2 - Setting up part 2
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows the second part of setting up the LTI, i.e. how to create the IPAC form with the criteria and questions of your choice, or how to use the template.
IPAC LTI - Training video 1 - Setting up part 1
This is part of a series of training videos for staff on the use of the IPAC LTI and software. This video shows the first part of setting up the LTI, i.e. how to create the link of the IPAC LTI onto your VLE course.