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Magnetosphere X
4 items found in 1 pages
The effects of dust on Mars' induced magnetosphere - Catherine Regan (MSSL), APEX Seminar 2023-10-13
The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Oct-Dec 2023), were held on Fridays at 1pm online and in room 612 at Birkbeck. The talks are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond. All those interested in these topics are welcome to attend.
Adventures in Planetary Science: The JUICE mission: Revealing the mysteries of Jupiter's icy moons
The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck held the third event in our Adventures in Planetary Science public engagement series 'The JUICE mission: Revealing the mysteries of Jupiter's icy moons', online on Thursday 25th May 2023. There were talks from our JUICE and icy moon experts, followed by a panel Q&A session with the audience. Talks by Prof Geraint Jones (UCL-MSSL), Prof Nick Achilleos (UCL-P&A), Grace Richards (AstrobiologyOU) and hosted by Dr Andrew Rushby (Birkbeck).
Automated magnetospheric boundary detection using threshold and deep learning methods - Matthew Cheng (UCL), and, Particle motion in the Jovian magnetosphere - Dr Dimitrios Millas (UCL), APEX 2022-11-24
The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Oct-Dec 2022), are held at 1pm on Thursdays, either online or in hybrid format in the Harrie Massey LT. The talks are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond. All those interested in these topics are welcome to attend.
SMILE: A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
The SMILE mission: A novel way to explore solar-terrestrial interactions G. Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL/UCL, UK), C. Wang (NSSC/CAS, China) and the SMILE collaboration The coupling between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere-ionosphere system, and the geospace dynamics that result, comprise some of the key questions in space plasma physics. In situ measurements by a fleet of solar wind and magnetospheric missions, current and planned, can provide the most detailed observations of the Sun-Earth connections. However, we are still unable to quantify the global effects of the drivers of such connections, and to monitor their evolution with time. This information is the key missing link for developing a comprehensive understanding of how the Sun gives rise to and controls the Earth's plasma environment and space weather. SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) is a novel self-standing mission dedicated to observing the solar wind - magnetosphere coupling via simul