4 items found in 1 pages
The Curriculum Review: What works, what’s missing, what’s next?
Join an expert panel from the IOE to discuss the implications of the Curriculum Review Interim Report for teaching and learning in primary, secondary, post-16 sectors and for pupils with SEND. The Review asked for input from a wide range on interested parties, including parents and pupils, as well as teachers and experts in curriculum and assessment. The panel will discuss progress made so far and what might need to happen next to lead to sustainable change.
Pupil absence: Questions for policy, for research and in practice - new version
empty classroom chairs in a classroom Pupil absence post COVID has risen, yet what the precise causes are and how they can best be remedied remains uncertain. The evidence given to the Education Select Committee Inquiry into this topic set out a number of interlinking factors that need taking into consideration if the situation is to improve. In this panel discussion, speakers will draw on their knowledge of the issues, based on research, practice and personal experience and suggest ways forward.
Teacher recruitment, retention and development - rethinking policy and practice - rethinking
First of the 'What Matters in Education?'series, a panel discussion seminar series asking new questions about how research, policy and practice can best interact to empower educators and create an education system that works for all.
Global Discord - Values and Power in a Fractured World Order
Democracies are facing a drawn-out contest with authoritarian states that is entangling much of public policy with global security issues. In Global Discord, Paul Tucker lays out principles for how democracies can approach relations with China and other illiberal states without sacrificing their deepest political values or recklessly risking their safety. The event features a discussion with the author and a panel of three speakers: Richard Bellamy (Professor of Political Science at UCL), Jeff King (Professor of Law at UCL) and Juliet Samuel (Columnist at The Telegraph).