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Elizabeth Hudson X
7 items found in 1 pages
Democratic decision-making in English education: whose voices count? - new version
In this panel discussion, speakers draw on their experience of working with others in the sector to bring about change and reflect on the role local interests and local concerns play in the choices made. Could more opportunities for open and transparent debate about national and local priorities lead to better decision-making in education and a greater chance of an informed consensus emerging?
More or less technology in the classroom - the value and purposes of technology use in schools
The current debate over the role of digital technology in schools alternates between a concern for the harms it may cause and interest in its potential to transform education. The risks of adopting a market-led approach to digital innovation in education are becoming clearer. But many uncertainties remain – not least how to put learners’ interests first in any plans for technology use in education.
Education after the election: Priorities for change - new version
A funding crisis in every sector of education, widening inequalities, a cost of living crisis for families, rising pupil absence and increasing pressure to provide more support for SEND. These are just some of the issues dominating discussion of education in the run up to the general election. Drawing on their knowledge, experience and research in the education fields, a panel of speakers will debate what the priorities for the next Secretary of State for Education should be and the steps the next UK government could take to make them a reality.
Investing in the Early Years: priorities and challenges - new version
At a time when many household incomes are under severe pressure, there are challenges in the accessibility, affordability and quality of childcare provision. Inequalities in access and complexities of needs have been exacerbated by the COVID pandemic, with vulnerable families with children, especially those with special education needs, most likely to miss out on support. Discussion focused on how funding and provision can be built in such a way that those with the highest needs are targeted first and will benefit the most. To enable this to happen, a ‘wholesale review’ of the system could usefully begin by looking much more carefully at a funding system that supports quality of provision across a range of different dimensions.
Pupil absence: Questions for policy, for research and in practice - new version
empty classroom chairs in a classroom Pupil absence post COVID has risen, yet what the precise causes are and how they can best be remedied remains uncertain. The evidence given to the Education Select Committee Inquiry into this topic set out a number of interlinking factors that need taking into consideration if the situation is to improve. In this panel discussion, speakers will draw on their knowledge of the issues, based on research, practice and personal experience and suggest ways forward.
Teacher recruitment, retention and development - rethinking policy and practice - rethinking
First of the 'What Matters in Education?'series, a panel discussion seminar series asking new questions about how research, policy and practice can best interact to empower educators and create an education system that works for all.
TMG Student Celebration video
TMG student video for 2019-20