24 items found in 3 pages
1 year to go: Get ready to celebrate 200 years of UCL!
In February 2026, UCL will begin celebrating its 20th anniversary. On our 199th birthday we look ahead to UCL200, an exciting line-up of activities and events to mark our bicentenary year.
AccessGranted EP2. Dreams and Duties
How do you take care of yourself when you care for others? As a dedicated UCL student, Amelia navigates the intricate balance of academic rigour while also serving as the pillar of support for her parents and grandparents. Amelia's life is a labyrinth of responsibilities, from a substantial commute to her role as a caregiver. Amelia offers a unique perspective on the seldom-told stories of students who, despite formidable odds, chase their educational dreams while maintaining their family commitments.
What international should pack when coming to UCL
What international should pack when coming to UCL
Arena Bitesize: Evaluating our Teaching
There are many ways we can evaluate our teaching from self-evaluation through to peer reviews of our teaching. There may be formal mechanisms to involve students too but what of more immediate and informal opportunities? In this video Jesper Hansen from Arena suggests what you might evaluate with the aid of your students, when you might do it and what you could do once you have done so.
International Student Support webpages tour
This video gives students a tour of all the webpages on the International Student Support website.
Connecting with students with lecture videos (A case study from School of Pharmacy)
In this video interview, Martin Compton (Arena Centre) talks with Professor Simon Gaisford about his approach to recording lecture videos. Of particular interest here are the strategies Professor Gaisford uses to connect with the students through the screen.
Enid Sampson and life at UCL in the 1940s
Filmed for the module The Worlds of UCL: Critical Histories of Education, Nation and Empire, this features module leader Georgina Brewis interviewing UCL Head of Records Colin Penman. Colin presents a recent donation to the UCL archive, a 1940s student blazer and other items. He links this to wider post-war changes at UCL.
Rosa Morison and the admission of women to UCL
A short film discussing the admission of women to UCL in the nineteenth century, and introducing Miss Rosa Morison, Lady Superintendent of Women Students. Aimed at students on the Worlds of UCL: Critical Histories of Education Nation and Empire module, but of general interest. Filmed on location at UCL featuring Dr Georgina Brewis and Colin Penman.
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