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10 items found in 2 pages
UCLDH ONLINE: Laboratory Life in the Humanities: Computation, Criticism & Collaboration
22 June 2021, 8:00 pm–9:15 pm With Mark Algee-Hewitt (Stanford) and respondent Urszula Pawlicka-Değer (KCL) While the introduction of computational methods, from GIS, to Digital Archives, to Text Mining, have opened up new fields to practitioners, these fields have also changed the social fabric of the humanities.
The Web Archives Long View
The Web Archives Long View 26 May 2021, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm UCLDH are delighted to welcome Valérie Schafer (U. of Luxembourg) and Jane Winters (School of Advanced Study, UoL) for their views on the topic of born-digital heritage and in particular of web archives in context.
UCLDH ONLINE: Complicating the whiteness of Digital Humanities: The Deep History of Black DH
12 May 2021, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm Amy E. Earhart (Texas A&M University) will document a deep dig into the ecology of digital humanities, centering Black DH work in the field.
Look Backwards Through the Index of DH Conferences
A Look Backwards Through the Index of DH Conferences 27 April 2021, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm With Scott Weingart & Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara (Carnegie Mellon)
Humanités numériques, цифровые гуманитарные науки, デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ: History and Future of DH
History and Future of DH Linguistic Diversity Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford) This talk will reflect on language as one longstanding axis of diversity within digital humanities as it is carried out at the international level, as well as within different national contexts. This context will inform a frank discussion of the ways in which a general obliviousness towards languages commonly found in Anglophone countries has negatively impacted Anglophone scholars' research, pedagogy, and engagement with the broader field of DH.
Multilingual Publishing in Digital Humanities
With Riva Quiroga (Programming Historian)
Digital Humanities & Spatial History: Atlantic World Stories
Zephyr Frank (Stanford University) describes and discusses a series of DH projects that have developed at CESTA and have addressed major issues in the history of the Atlantic World, including slavery and the experience of enslaved and freed persons in particular.
Wider Horizons, Harder Borders or Whose data are they, anyway?
UCLDH Susan Hockey Lecture 2019 Over the last 20 years Charlotte Roueché has worked to publish rich accounts of ancient materials online. Over the same period, while connectivity has expanded enormously, one response has been to build more walls and enclosures, both for people and for data. Research is increasingly assessed for its utilitarian value, which is measured by the Research Question, rather than by its power to enable the work of others. In this, the fifth lecture in the annual UCLDH Susan Hockey Lecture series, she will review progress and change in digital humanities, and try to disentangle the threats from the opportunities.
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