Wider Horizons, Harder Borders or Whose data are they, anyway?

Wider Horizons, Harder Borders or Whose data are they, anyway?
UCLDH Susan Hockey Lecture 2019 Over the last 20 years Charlotte Roueché has worked to publish rich accounts of ancient materials online. Over the same period, while connectivity has expanded enormously, one response has been to build more walls and enclosures, both for people and for data. Research is increasingly assessed for its utilitarian value, which is measured by the Research Question, rather than by its power to enable the work of others. In this, the fifth lecture in the annual UCLDH Susan Hockey Lecture series, she will review progress and change in digital humanities, and try to disentangle the threats from the opportunities.
Lucy Stagg
digital humaities, data, open access, research, Susan Hockey, UCLDH