3 items found in 1 pages
Children’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education
At this hybrid symposium, we shared research related to Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education across various contexts. Based on the research-informed evidence, we engaged in discussions about children and young people's participation in mitigating climate changes and how we (researchers, teachers, early years practitioners, parents, children and young people, etc.) can contribute to Sustainability Education to strengthen our collective efforts towards a more sustainable future.
How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?
How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?
Family Finances and Disability
Parents reflect on research findings into family finances and disability. Research conducted by the Children's Policy Research Unit (CPRU), a collaboration hosted by UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. Research led by Professor Steve Morris, professor of health economics at UCL.