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MAPS Education Research & Innovation Seminar: Neil Williams (University of Kingston)
Kingston University developed an Inclusive Curriculum Framework to help address awarding gaps. The framework adopts three key principles fundamental to creating and delivering an inclusive curriculum to: Create an accessible curriculum; Enable students to see themselves reflected in the curriculum; Equip students with the skills to positively contribute to and work in a global and diverse environment. In 2013/4 the BAME awarding gap for the Faculty of Science Engineering and Computing was 18.4%, by 2018/9 this had been reduced to 4.1%. In this presentation a range of university, faculty and programme level actions taken to help reduce degree and module award gaps are covered. These include the implementation and impact of Undergraduate Research Internship scheme, the development of a Support for Academic Progression programme, greater use of active learning methods and a review of assessment.
An example of Constructive Alignment
This short video describes how the Arena One programme is constructively aligned.
Public Lecture by David Scott. Equalities & Inequalities in the English Education System
Professor David Scott talks about social categories such as gender, race, dis-ability, intelligence, sexuality and class, as they are used in English education system. Knowledge of and about them and their effects is central to how we can understand society, equalities and inequalities within it, and educational relations. He will draw on events, happenings and experiences to develop a more coherent account with the potential to transform our understandings of these matters and hence our educational practices. David's lecture is drawn from his book 'Equalities & Inequalities in the English Education System, published by UCL IOE Press, 2018.