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Stephen Potts X
7 items found in 1 pages
MAPS Education Seminar (Annabel Brown)
An exploration of staff perceptions of their self-positioning within UCL and its impact on workplace identities and relationships.
MAPS Education Workshop (Pete Fitch, Arena)
Following Rich Osbourne's workshop on Authentic Assessment, this interactive session provided an opportunity to discuss the diversity in assessment approaches across MAPS and to reflect on the impact and lessons learnt from before and during the pandemic.
MAPS Education Research & Innovation Seminar: Rich Osborne (UCL)
Building on the outcomes from a JISC-funded project in the early 2010s, this session discusses the concept of an authentic assessment, the key dimensions that define it and introduces practical tools to help you redesign an existing assessment in order to increase its 'authenticity'.
MAPS Education Research & Innovation Seminar: Ginger Schultz (University of Michigan)
Chemistry is often presented to students as a disconnected set of ideas. This talk highlights some of Ginger's group's recent contributions to understanding how reasoning develops when applied by learners in NMR spectroscopy problem solving, when writing about reaction mechanisms, and when drawing on intellectual resources from a local community to conduct a research project. They use various methods, including eye-tracking, semi-structured and think-aloud interviews, and textual analysis of student writing to investigate how students reason about molecular structure and behaviour. They also investigate how the intellectual resources that students bring with them to the classroom influence how their thinking develops. Their goal is to uncover reasoning patterns used by students so that they and others can design learning environments that cultivate student reasoning about chemistry while also helping them to relate material learned in class to their lived experiences.
MAPS Education Research & Innovation Seminar: Neil Williams (University of Kingston)
Kingston University developed an Inclusive Curriculum Framework to help address awarding gaps. The framework adopts three key principles fundamental to creating and delivering an inclusive curriculum to: Create an accessible curriculum; Enable students to see themselves reflected in the curriculum; Equip students with the skills to positively contribute to and work in a global and diverse environment. In 2013/4 the BAME awarding gap for the Faculty of Science Engineering and Computing was 18.4%, by 2018/9 this had been reduced to 4.1%. In this presentation a range of university, faculty and programme level actions taken to help reduce degree and module award gaps are covered. These include the implementation and impact of Undergraduate Research Internship scheme, the development of a Support for Academic Progression programme, greater use of active learning methods and a review of assessment.
MAPS Education Research & Innovation Seminar: Andrea Jiménez Dalmaroni (University of Cardiff)
Bridging the gap between Teaching and Learning through Discipline-based Education Research
Moving 4th-Year M.Sci. Symposia Online
A key point in fourth-year chemistry calendar is the Symposium for Advanced Research Projects in Chemistry (SARPIC), which takes place annually in May. SARPIC typically comprises up to two days of seminars in which the final-year students present their work from the past six months. These presentations are marked by staff and provide credit for their project module. The unwelcome appearance of COVID-19 last year forced the remaining teaching of 2019/20 online and SARPIC was no exception. The symposium usually takes place in lecture theatres and is open to all, so the challenge faced was to try to replicate this experience online with as little detriment to students as possible, including pre-recording of presentations and providing extra student support. Overall, moving online was well received by the students and staff. In this presentation, we will discuss the challenges faced and make recommendations for carrying out similar teaching online.