7 items found in 1 pages
Embedding writing and research skills within a module
Dr Pip Bennett, Lecturer (Teaching) Education Studies (IOE - Education, Practice & Society) discusses embedding writing and research skills within modules.
Sam Creighton teaching   writing  with Y5 at Elmhurst Primary School, East London
Sam Creighton teaching writing  with Y5 at Elmhurst Primary School, East London
NCLE Universal CPD Teaching for Success 2: Integrating the Four Skills
Join our NCLE Universal CPD Programme to find out more! “… It is really important that we teach… [phonics, vocabulary and grammar] together across all four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing" (Sir Ian Bauckham, 2023).
Professor Laurajane Smith advice on good practices in publishing with the International Journal of Heritage Studies
Professor Laurajane Smith on good practices in publishing with the International Journal of Heritage Studies.
Meet the OMNISPACE directors: dramatic scene and Q & A
The new dramatic scene written for this event will provide background to Giles and Richard’s intentions during their writing process; and, with an in-character Q & A, give some insight into the warped world-view of two, imagined, space billionaires.
Writing Seminar Series - Prof Rowena Murray How we support academic writing on campus and online: a
Video recording of online event as part of the IOE Writing Seminar Series on 29/04/2021. Prof Rowena Murray reflects on more than two decades of experience in running writing groups and discusses the benefits of a social approach to writing.
IAS Festival Sea, Song, Writing: On the Palmy Beach
06 May 2021, 11:30 am–1:00 pm Conversation launching the UCL European Institute’s short film Sea, Song Writing, featuring composer Judith Weir, soprano Ruby Hughes, cellist Natalie Clein and pianist Julius Drake – in dialogue with literature scholars Jennifer Rushworth and Annika Lindskog (both SELCS). The film was made by Graham Riach (Oxford), with Claudia Sternberg and Uta Staiger (both UCL EI).