5 items found in 1 pages
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 2 video 2/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 2 recording 2/2. 00:53 David Collett and Sam Evans: Exploring PG students’ engagement in peer review on an 8 week PSE programme 23:00 Evangelia Tsimpoukli: EAP teachers' perspectives of critical thinking: notions, elements and criteria of assessment in EAP writing 42:11 Bo Gyeong Son: Students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom approach in EAP classes
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 1 video 2/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 1 recording 2/2. 00:02 Daniella Pugh - Using VLE systems to teach EAP at a time of change; challenges and best practice 21:23 Panagiota Tzanni - Using Eduflow for meaningful peer feedback 42:00 Ethan Quaid, Alex Barrett & Austin Pack: Evaluating VR system use for continuing support in university academic writing Centres: an experiential approach 1:05:21 Lesley Price - Closing words
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 1 video 1/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 1 recording 1/2. 0:25 Dr Will Gibson (Director: Academic Writing Centre) and Dr Jonathan Stoddart (Senior Teaching Fellow PASHE Programme) Cristina Ivanovici: Incorporating TED talks in self-study to improve Year-One students’ academic skills and academic vocabulary + Q&A Marc LeBane: Mini-lectures to enhance English language throughout the Disciplines (MiLEE) Andrew McIntosh: Postgraduate student perceptions of and attitudes towards machine translation Ivan Au: Unwinding the fantasy: using breakout rooms to promote language exposure and less-public feedback practices in online synchronous teaching
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 2 video 1/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 2 recording 1/2. 1:02 Julian Riddler - Student Wellbeing 21:15 Dr Natasha Cooper - Bubble, bubble: misunderstandings and bursting student bubbles in Higher Education 42:43 Nina Balogh - Questions about how to be better incorporate reflection into teaching. 1:04:54 Plenary Q&A
Writing Seminar Series - Prof Rowena Murray How we support academic writing on campus and online: a
Video recording of online event as part of the IOE Writing Seminar Series on 29/04/2021. Prof Rowena Murray reflects on more than two decades of experience in running writing groups and discusses the benefits of a social approach to writing.