PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 1 video 2/2

PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 1 video 2/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 1 recording 2/2. 00:02 Daniella Pugh - Using VLE systems to teach EAP at a time of change; challenges and best practice 21:23 Panagiota Tzanni - Using Eduflow for meaningful peer feedback 42:00 Ethan Quaid, Alex Barrett & Austin Pack: Evaluating VR system use for continuing support in university academic writing Centres: an experiential approach 1:05:21 Lesley Price - Closing words
Sabah Boulebbad
Academic Writing Centre, AWC_IOE, Institute of Education, EAP, English for Academic Purpose, conference, best practice, VLE, Virtual Learning Environment, Daniella Pugh, Eduflow, peer feedback, Feedback, elearning, edtech, technology, Panagiota Tzanni, VR, virtual reality, experiential approach, Technology enhanced learning, Ethan Quaid, Alex Barrett, Austin Pack