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Academic Writing Centre X
8 items found in 1 pages
An overview of the Academic Writing Centre
Ruth Jacklin outlines the support offered by the Academic Writing Centre to IOE students. Sept 2024
Academic Writing Centre Embedded Provision - Supporting the 'Understanding Mathematics Education' module in MA Mathematics Education
Nicola Bretscher reflects on her experience working with the Academic Writing Centre to support academic skills development on the MA Mathematics Education course.
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 2 video 2/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 2 recording 2/2. 00:53 David Collett and Sam Evans: Exploring PG students’ engagement in peer review on an 8 week PSE programme 23:00 Evangelia Tsimpoukli: EAP teachers' perspectives of critical thinking: notions, elements and criteria of assessment in EAP writing 42:11 Bo Gyeong Son: Students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom approach in EAP classes
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 1 video 2/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 1 recording 2/2. 00:02 Daniella Pugh - Using VLE systems to teach EAP at a time of change; challenges and best practice 21:23 Panagiota Tzanni - Using Eduflow for meaningful peer feedback 42:00 Ethan Quaid, Alex Barrett & Austin Pack: Evaluating VR system use for continuing support in university academic writing Centres: an experiential approach 1:05:21 Lesley Price - Closing words
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 1 video 1/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 1 recording 1/2. 0:25 Dr Will Gibson (Director: Academic Writing Centre) and Dr Jonathan Stoddart (Senior Teaching Fellow PASHE Programme) Cristina Ivanovici: Incorporating TED talks in self-study to improve Year-One students’ academic skills and academic vocabulary + Q&A Marc LeBane: Mini-lectures to enhance English language throughout the Disciplines (MiLEE) Andrew McIntosh: Postgraduate student perceptions of and attitudes towards machine translation Ivan Au: Unwinding the fantasy: using breakout rooms to promote language exposure and less-public feedback practices in online synchronous teaching
PASHE 2021 EAP Conference 26/08/2021 room 2 video 1/2
PASHE 2021 EAP conference 26/08/2021. Conference room 2 recording 1/2. 1:02 Julian Riddler - Student Wellbeing 21:15 Dr Natasha Cooper - Bubble, bubble: misunderstandings and bursting student bubbles in Higher Education 42:43 Nina Balogh - Questions about how to be better incorporate reflection into teaching. 1:04:54 Plenary Q&A
Writing Seminar Series - Prof Rowena Murray How we support academic writing on campus and online: a
Video recording of online event as part of the IOE Writing Seminar Series on 29/04/2021. Prof Rowena Murray reflects on more than two decades of experience in running writing groups and discusses the benefits of a social approach to writing.