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4 items found in 1 pages
CLoCKing Off: Insights and Experiences from the Long Covid in Children Study
Welcome and Introduction: Professor Roz Shafran Background of the Study: Professor Sir Terence Stephenson Questions Key Findings of the Study: Dr Snehal Pinto Pereira Questions Patient and Public Involvement (PPI): Emma Dalrymple and Helen Weston Questions Added value: PhD project: Fiona Newlands (Video) A Young Person's Perspective Next Steps for CLoCk: Alvin Richards-Belle Closing Remarks: Professor Sir Terence Stephenson
Children’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education
At this hybrid symposium, we shared research related to Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability Education across various contexts. Based on the research-informed evidence, we engaged in discussions about children and young people's participation in mitigating climate changes and how we (researchers, teachers, early years practitioners, parents, children and young people, etc.) can contribute to Sustainability Education to strengthen our collective efforts towards a more sustainable future.
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 8: Sex education via the media: Promises and pitfalls
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 8: Sex education via the media: Promises and pitfalls This lecture will draw on Dr Boynton's experiences of delivering sex advice through the media - as an agony aunt in magazines and online, and for education radio and TV such as Channel 4's The Sex Education Show. Drawing on research on media advice giving internationally Petra will highlight where media gets it wrong and right, and how we can inform sex education media for young people and adults through evidence based practice and research. Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
Young people's vision for school science in England
This video accompanies the latest ASPIRTES Research Spotlight, "Make it more relevant and practical": Young people's vision for school science in England. The report explore the views of young people who have been participants in the ASPIRES study. In the video, ASPIRES Summer Placement Student, Princess Emeanuwa explains the importance of the report from the point of view of a young person who is of a similar age to the study participants.