2017 DCAL Xmas Newsletter - Robert Adam - Research

2017 DCAL Xmas Newsletter - Robert Adam - Research
Our research into how the deafness and language experience influence brain function has resulted in a couple of important papers this year (Twomey et al., Journal of Neuroscience; Cardin et al, Cerebral Cortex).
Mairead MacSweeney’s group have also continued their research into the role of lipreading in reading development in deaf children.
Kearsy Cormier was appointed as a Reader in the UCL Linguistics Department. She was also awarded two research grants this year.
Robert Adam has presented a number of keynote lectures this year.
Bencie Woll has enjoyed stepping down from the Directorship of DCAL but has kept busy with a new research project on the cognitive benefits of language learning (both signed and spoken language).
Daniel Diaz Gonzalez
2017, BSL, DCAL, PALS, Psychology, deafness, Cognition, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Newsletter