DCAL 2019 Xmas Newsletter Welcome Mairéad

DCAL 2019 Xmas Newsletter Welcome Mairéad
Hello and welcome to the DCAL Christmas Newsletter. I am Mairéad MacSweeney and I am the Director here at DCAL. I'm really excited to tell you about some of the highlights from our research, teaching and other activities last year. I hope you'll enjoy learning more about them. If you would like more information, please click on the links in the text in the side panel. Happy Christmas from all of us and many thanks for all of your support and help last year. We look forward to working with you again next year and to a great year ahead. Happy Christmas!
Daniel Diaz Gonzalez
PALS, DCAL, Newsletter, 2019, Linguistics, Neuroscience, research, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, development education, deafness, Deaf, deaf community