BSL Recognition 2021 - Sannah Gulamani

BSL Recognition 2021 - Sannah Gulamani
What does BSL Recognition mean to you? I remember when I was 14 years old having attended the BSL March. The march, a glorious celebration and campaign of BSL resulted into the recognition of BSL and I remember as a young child how inspiring that felt. So for me, what does BSL recognition mean? There are a few things. One, raised positive visibility of deaf people and British Sign Language. Secondly, a recognition of it’s language, culture and rich history from past to this present day. This too supports human and sign language rights and working toward lobbying and consulting with services to ensure BSL services are provided and of high quality.
Daniel Diaz Gonzalez
Deaf, deaf awareness, deaf community, deaf culture, DCAL, BSL-History, deaf identity