UCL Special Collections: Dante - Divine Comedy 1491

UCL Special Collections: Dante - Divine Comedy 1491
Dante Alighieri, Comento di chriſtophoro Landino fiorentino ſopra la comedia di Danthe alighieri poeta fiorentino (Venice: Petrus de Plasiis, Cremonensis, 1491). This was the first fully illustrated edition of Dante's Divine Comedy to be printed, and contains a woodcut illustration for each canto of Inferno, Paradiso and Purgatorio. UCL Special Collections hold over 3,000 rare editions, translations and illustrations of Dante's writings. Find out more about the UCL Dante Collection at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/special-collections/a-z/barlow-dante.
Tabitha Tuckett
dante, UCL Special Collections, Rare books